Thursday, March 4, 2010

How many people does it take to make a difference?

(March, 2010; Our Maiden Voyage)

Dear HOPE I,

For each of us on this journey, our own personal reasons for deciding to go haven't clouded the common vision to be a part of a project to ensure "quality education for ALL children". May each of us listen to the voice that has called us to make a difference. The same voice that joined us in our profession to teach. The voice that will carry us through many adventures, to light the way for a great life. The life each of us is choosing to create, "something bigger, greater, grander than yourself". This is our time to make important discoveries, develop our strengths and talents.

For today let's begin with this passage:
"One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself or anyone else is inspiration. Inspiration to get in touch with your dreams. Inspiration to seek out your deepest passions. Inspiration to make a difference in the world, a difference only you can make."
Our trip embodies a time of significance, of making a life, a symbol of contribution and service. I can't wait for us to jump in "and let our good deeds ripple out".
Here is to our legacy:
The Power of One
One School
One Dream

Many smiles,

"Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have waited centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing."
-John Andrews Holmes

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but this I know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve."
-Albert Schweitzer

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