Friday, April 16, 2010

Updates for the Hope Community Center

WOW, once we returned from the trip the real work began. So far the group has focused on the main initiatives to establish sustainability. We realized providing shoes for the children, buying a second cow for the school, and raising money to purchase the land where the distillary (which is our equivalent to a crack house) is next the the school, and gaining sponsorship for the students to attend school would be the main initiatives. We have been truly blessed by the outpouring of support. So far the second cow has been bought by the Kaminsky family from Woodland Elementary School, principals in the school district challenged their buildings to rasie funds to purchase the land, and 7 children have been sponsored. Sherry has been feverishly working to gain support for a Sole to Soul shoe fundraiser in her communities in New York and New Jersey. She has also found a school in Yonkers who wants to help with play equipment and supplies for the school. Woodland will begin its shoe campaign this week to tie into the Earth Day celebrations. What the school is asking is for each pair of shoes donated, a dollar is placed inside a shoe as well for shipping.
Our first follow up meeting was last night and Katie took an amazing amount of notes, as the process for the future is unfolding. We learned Stacy has been asked to join the Significant Matters/Hope Kenya leadership team which will be a wonderful endeavor for her passion.
Bless Terri for taking care of all of our pictures, and Tracy for organizing a local site to keep them for others to see.
As our weeks fly by, it is hard to believe it was a month ago we were in Kenya. Now, how many days until we go back?
Kudos for all that is happening, we really can make a difference in our world.

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